ASSISTING THE LEARNING PROCESS IN CHILDREN WITH DIFFICULTIESFOR ALL PAEDIATRIC THERAPISTS and EDUCATORS 17 MARCH 2018 SIERRA HOTEL, RANDBURG, JHB. 8:30am – 2:30pm 5 CPD POINTS Accredited by Impact Learning (Approved Accredited Service Provider) DVD AVAILABLE FOR THOSE UNABLE TO ATTEND Guest Speaker: Janice Glover Author of ‘Everyone Can Learn’ Speech and Language Therapist with special interest in children with language/learning difficulties. Course covers: The Therapeutic Relationship More Brain Learning (an approach to teaching and therapy which uses colour, humour, rhyme and imagery rather than the more conventional linear way of learning) Expressive Language Receptive Language Spelling and much more
Cost: R820pp (book not included) R750pp for groups of 4 or more R1020pp (includes ‘Everyone Can Learn’ book @ discounted rate of R200) R900 per DVD (Each DVD comes with 1 CPD questionnaire) R350 per extra CPD questionnaire prices include VAT
Contact for more details click download images to see full advert
Seats confirmed upon pop Contact for more details Cara 082 853 3832Sarah 082 828 0645 |