Managing Conflict in Relationships​

Child Trauma Centre, Kinder Trauma Kliniek, Jelly Beanz Inc. & Baby Bonding (SA) are proud to present another seminar of high caliber grounded in evidence based theory and practice – attachment seminar

Attachment Seminar by international expert

Pretoria: 10-12 September 2015
(Utopia Place, Union Caterers, Lynnwood Rd, Pretoria)
Cape Town: 17-19 September 2015
(Hollow Tree Conference Venue, Riesling Str, Oude Westhof, Belville)


Creating a positive foundation for relational, emotional & physical health & resilience

This 2-day attachment seminar training course is for those practitioners who wish to extend their work and knowledge to playful therapeutic interventions with babies, toddlers and children and their parents/carers. It showcases a very gentle and safe method based on parent-child interaction including play, parental loving touch, authentic movement, baby/child observation, informal lullaby and music, all of which are used specifically to improve the quality of the early parent/carer-child attachment relationship. All of this is set within the new and groundbreaking research into what we now know about how parents change and how secure attachment is operationalised in the earliest relationship.

debbieAbout: Debbi Maskell-Graham, has a masters degree in play therapy with nearly 30 years’ experience in relational interventions and research. Debi has worked with the hardest-to-reach families and is passionate about helping parents/carers be the best they can be. She is the clinical director of Big-toes-little-toes, an NPO that offers training regarding evidenced-based attachment play interventions. Their programme has been implemented in Kenya, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Uganda, Europe and South Africa. She is a consultant to the Department of Education, National Health System and Warwick Medical School in the United Kingdom. She is author of the book Baby Bonding, to be released in October 2015. Rene Ohloff and Louise Patrick, the South African Baby Bonding partners, will be assisting in the seminar.

FEES: R2250 (R1950 for registered NPO’s)

CPD points applied for

For more information & bookings please contact Natasha Botha on 072 233 3708 or

Click here to download the registration form


Session 1: Welcome and overview of the course
Session 2: Turning theory into practice: what is attachment and why does it matter? How does a gentle play-based approach work? Why is it so helpful? What kind of results can we expect?
Session 3: What does baby bonding look like? A mini-session to enjoy
Session 4: A framework to use for group and individual work including home-visiting
Session 5: Working with our own “baby”: skilful use of a soft doll for modelling and mirroring; practical workshop
Session 6: Putting baby bonding into practice; practical workshop
Session 7: How do we measure improvements in attachment relationship? Pre- and post-measures, simple ways of collecting parent/carer stories
Session 8: Adapting baby bonding for toddlers; practical workshop
Session 9: Adapting attachment mechanisms used in baby bonding for older children: introducing Parent-Child Attachment Play; practical workshop
Session 10: A final call for how society would be if all children enjoyed a secure and loving attachment with a parental figure. Questions and answers session. Details of online resources for free download.


Picture of Marinda Reynecke

Marinda Reynecke

Counselling Psychologist

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