Managing Conflict in Relationships​

Children and the legal framework

  • Ever heard the police say they can do nothing about children who commit crimes?
  • Ever worried about children who may attract a criminal record for what might be perceived as petty crime?
  • Do children accused of crimes have to go through the same court processes as adults?
  • Do you have questions about how sexual crimes should be investigated and prosecuted?

This 2 day workshop will provide information about the Child Justice Act, an exciting, progressive and innovative law which deals with children in conflict with the law, and the Criminal Law Sexual Offences and Related Matters)

Amendment Act, commonly known as the Sexual Offences Act. In order to bring the material alive and add interest, the materials will be illustrated by practical case histories that will be thoroughly discussed. Participants are also invited to bring their own case examples for discussion and to assist in the practical application of the law. Please remove all identifying details to protect confidentiality and the identity of the children involved.

Date: 3 & 4 March 2016


Presented by: Joan van Niekerk

Venue: Bellville Methodist Church, 3 Krige Streer, Boston, Belville

Contact: Natasha Botha | | 072 233 3708 | 086 239 7092 (fax)

Cost: R1000.00 (EXCLUDING LUNCH)

HPCSA & SACCSP CPD accreditation applied for

Registration Form


Picture of Marinda Reynecke

Marinda Reynecke

Counselling Psychologist

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