Objectives of continuing professional development
Continuing professional development is a platform where members of professional associations maintain, improve and enhance their knowledge, skills and ethics. 2016 will be Vista Clinic’s 19th year of presenting our CPD programme.
Psychologists (all categories), psychometrists, social workers, occupational therapists, psychiatric nurses, and other professionals in the mental health profession including counsellors, students and the academia.
Hierarchy of learning
All symposiums for 2016 (except ethics) for both the HPCSA and SACSSP fall within Level 1. These are “large gatherings of people” in a local context who discusses a particular issue of concern on a once-off basis.
Continuing Education Units [CEUs/CPD’s]
All the seminars for 2016 will be registered with both HPCSA and SACSSP CPD Accreditors.
Enquiries and FAQ
Telephonic enquiries may be made to Tamryn Schmahl (012) 664-0222 x 348
E-mail enquiries may be made to booking@vistacpd.co.za.