The Law of Attraction
What you focus on will increase This means you should focus on what you love, And want more of that in your life.
So practice the attitude of gratitude.
Hardware / The Body
SLEEP: Sufficient, uninterrupted, deep 7-8 hours.
DIET: Regular, healthy, low GI, keep blood sugar steady.
EXERCISE: Moderate, fun, sun.
BEHAVIOUR: Walk slower, be on time, smile, do what you enjoy, fake it till you make it.
BREATHING: Deep, slow diaphragmatic. Expand stomach with inhalation. Make it a habit
MEDITATE: Twice a day for at least 10 (but preferably 20 – 30) minutes.
Breath. Inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Pause 3 seconds. (6 breaths per minute) Observe & forgive. Accept love and even celebrate the flow of thoughts and feelings without trying to control them for 10min.
Software / The Mind
When painful emotions arise:
- Remember you are not your emotions. Your childhood blueprints / erroneous core beliefs are causing the painful feelings.
- Don’t defend (fight/flight/freeze). Painful emotion is just energy for a change. Use the energy to change the perceptions / beliefs that cause them.
- Observe. Accept. Forgive. Love. Bless the emotions and yourself for having them & the situation / person that activates them.
- Allow the emotions to complete (perhaps a few waves). Open the folder and allow memories and baggage to come to the surface and release.
- Draw in higher truths / positive mature beliefs – preferably in symbolic form.
At night when you go to sleep:
- Breathe and relax.
- Visualize positive beliefs / how you want to feel so your unconsciousness can continue the work of changing neuro-networks during sleep.
Make re-programming your operating system a priority
Identify with the values you hold rather than with your thoughts and feelings