CPD Workshop Programme
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05 February 2016
Assessment Interventions with Children
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- Foundational concepts: definition of assessment, accountable assessment, themes explored during assessment;
- Qualitative assessment instruments;
- Projective techniques including The Silver Drawing Test, Child in the Rain, The Madelein Thomas Stories and ASCT-R Stories;
- Quantitative assessment instruments;
- Scales and Checklists including The Miltidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale, The Child’s
- Reaction to Traumatic Events Scale (CRTES), Post Traumatic Symptom Inventory for Children (PT-SIC) and The Spence Anxiety Scale;
- Definition and value of an Assessment Protocol and how to design it; and
- Practical implementation of assessment tools;
As well as:
- The opportunity to discuss various case studies.
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for students & Interns)
HPSCA: 6 points applied for
06 May 2016
No More Bullies: Interventions in Assisting Victims of Bullying
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- Violence, respect and bullying, including the definition of violence, what bullying and respect is, ground rules and solving problems peacefully;
- Solving problems peacefully and resolving conflicts respectfully, including the five steps;
- Intervention Techniques, including creating empathy and emotional control and anger management, teaching assertiveness, responding to a bully, defining playful teasing vs. hurtful taunting, the power of bystanders, tattling vs. telling, and making friends: strategies to resist social aggression; and
- Ethical considerations, including warning about risk behaviour, confidentiality of children’s identity, and informing parents and informed consent
As well as:
- The opportunity to discuss various case studies.
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for students & Interns)
HPCSA: 6 points applied for
03 June 2016
Bereavement in Children
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- Theory, including contemporary research on grief in children; the grieving process for children, developmental stages: Children’s view of death, clinical presentations in bereaved children, death in the family, death in the school and wider world, general therapeutic issues
- Intervention strategies, including the therapeutic process: Phases of Treatment, integrative grief therapy for children, addressing problems in grieving children (depression, PTSD, anxiety and managing behaviour problems), initiating the grief-focused phase of treatment, coping skills for grieving children, making memories and integrating past and present, and fostering resilience.
- Different ethical considerations in regards to working with the bereaved child will be discussed, including professional competence; disposition of the therapist; autonomy, informed consent, and child assent; talking to the child about death; and confidentiality.
As well as:
- The opportunity to discuss various case studies.
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for Students & Interns)
HPCSA: 6 points applied for
05 August 2016
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in Children
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- Theory, including behaviours and disorders, disruptive behaviours, socially appropriate behaviours, basic issues on causes, and individual characteristics & environmental characteristics.
- Intervention and intervention development, including the intervention continuum and evidence-based interventions, and behavioural parent training.
- Cognitive-behavioural therapy, including behavioural and personal goals, awareness of arousal and anger, anger management and self-regulation, and peer pressure and involvement with non-deviant peers.
- General pharmacotherapy issues.
- Multicomponent intervention, including problem solving skills training, plus parent management training, multidimensional treatment foster care, factors that influences intervention delivery and outcomes.
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for Students & Interns)
HPCSA: 6 points applied for
02 September 2016
Taking a Breath: Anxiety in Children and Adolescents
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- The definition of anxiety, including the biology of anxiety and different forms of anxiety,
- A prescriptive approach to treating anxiety:
- Teaching the child coping skills (making a toolbox: psycho-education and teaching the tools: skill building),
- Teaching the parent coping skills (understanding anxiety and managing anxiety),
- Different techniques from different therapeutic modalities: A step by step guide to: Cognitive Behavioural Play Therapy, Psycho-Education, Play Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Art Therapy.
- An intervention strategy for treating anxiety in adolescents
- Step 1: Psycho-education
- Step 2: Cognitive behavioural component
- Step 3: Problem solving and skills training
- Step 4: Implementing the skills
- Step 5: Relapse prevention
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for Students & Interns)
HPCSA: 6 points applied for
04 November 2016
Cultural Issues in Play Therapy
Each participant will receive:
A clear understanding of:
- The theory of cross-cultural therapy:
- From sensitivity to competence in working across cultures, including changing views of working across cultures, the expanding definition of “culture” and its implications for treatment, and developing active competence: Moving from knowledge to behaviour; and
- Play in selected cultures, including diversity and universality and universal aspects of play.
- Potential barriers to multicultural work, and suggested solutions, including issues of privacy, trust and beliefs; English as a secondary language; use of translators; personal space, eye contact and expression; and evidence-based interventions.
- The Impact of Culture on Art Therapy with Children.
- The use of indigenous games as therapeutic tools.
- Ethical considerations, including skills, attitudes and personalities of the therapist and effectiveness of treatment, an cost effective strategies
Time: 09H00 – 16H00
Venue: Vista Clinic
Cost: R942 (Discount available for Students & Interns)
HPCSA: 6 points applied for
Presenters and attendees of all CPD activities must please note that the attainment of continuing education units (CEUs) does not licence any professional to practice outside their official scope of practice. CEUs are intended to broaden the knowledge of professionals but do not constitute professional training.