The symptoms or narcissism are numerous.
The most common symptoms of narcissism being:
- A grandiose belief in being ‘unique’ and ‘special’.
- An inflated and often pathological state of self (a ‘false self’), which is manufactured in order to receive approval and attention (narcissistic supply).
- A fine hair-line trigger in relation to any perceived criticism , which then brings on ‘narcissistic injury’ (insulting of the ego / false self)..
- An inability to be accountable or take responsibility for actions.
- Creating justifications and excuses that are pathological, unreasonable and extremely immature.
- Bi-polar like mood swings of depression (when not gaining attention and approval) and ‘high’s when feeling full of narcissistic supply.
- A profound lack of conscience and empathy, and an inability to assimilate how destructive actions impact on others.
- Limited resources to give to others in times of need for genuine reasons (other than soliciting narcissistic supply).
- Blaming of others (especially intimate partner) for feelings of inner pain, torment, shame and anger.
- An ability to manipulate, lie, charm, bully, threaten and deceive in order to get needs met.
- Envy, jealousy and rage towards other people who are happy and full of good feelings.
- Extreme discomfort, rage and distrust of others who take attention away.
- Extreme childish insecurities and blaming others for these insecurities.
- High levels of distrust towards intimate partners and certain others, and almost childish idealization of other individuals outside of intimate circles.
- An inability to follow through, complete tasks and dedicate oneself to any structure and conformity that doesn’t promote narcissistic supply.
- Pathological jealousy that cannot be reassured.
- Projection of own inadequacies onto others and twisting facts in order to create the other person (often the intimate partner) as the enemy.
- A parasitical approach to other people’s resources, believing they are entitled to take from this person or organization.
- A con-man demeanor that creates a spilt persona of ‘street angel / home devil’. (Most people who don’t know narcissists intimately think they’re wonderful people).
- An ability to severely discredit their intimate partners to other people.
- Attempting or enforcing the control and isolation of intimate partners.