Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, what it isn’t and what to do about it.
Date: 10 June 2016
Two sessions: 08h00 – 11h00 and 12h00 – 15h00 (repeat)
Presented by: Dr Linda Blokland
HPCSA: 3 points
SACSSP: 3 points applied for
Cost: R500 (Discount available for students & interns)
Venue: Old Trafford, Centurion Lake Hotel, 1001 Lenchen Avenue, Centurion
Register online: www.vistaclinic.co.za
Enquiries: Irene Prinsloo – 012 664 0222 ext 348 or email prinslooi@vistaclinic.co.za
The seminar will clarify how to accurately diagnose OCD and how to differentiate it from “normal” behaviour.
The so-called, increasing incidence of the condition will be discussed and clarified. Numerous examples from clinical practice will be utilised.
The treatment of OCD will then be discussed and illustrated with examples.
The intention is to raise awareness of what would constitute a proper diagnosis of OCD and to ensure that the optimum strategies to treat this complex disorder would subsequently be employed by participants.
012 664 0222